NCS Lab receives funds through the European Union's Horizon 2020 SME Instrument program
NCS Lab benefits from EU Funding for Horizon 2020 Call
NCS Lab s.r.l. was founded in 2003 and is an innovative SME from Carpi, which operates in various industrial sectors and in particular in the biomedical field. NCS can be considered a pioneer in the application of inertial sensors to the analysis of joint kinematics aimed at monitoring post-injury recovery or progress of the patient following a treatment as well as the evaluation of the joint loads in the various anatomical districts.
NCS Lab proudly announces the awarding of the prestigious Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation grant – SME Instrument Phase 1 promoted by the European Union, within the grant agreement No 876376 for a budget of 50,000 euros.
The NCS team developed the Showmotion project: a new method for monitoring the health status of orthopedic / physiotherapy patients through the use of a SW platform based on inertial sensors.
Showmotion is an innovative tool for the complete analysis of movement and muscle activity.
Through the use of an inertial platform and validated protocols for the upper and lower limbs, Showmotion can measure, record, segment, compare, display the movements and provide a visual representation of the variables involved, allowing a real-time analysis of the movement.
Thanks to ShowmotionTM it is therefore possible:
- Identify and describe changes in movement
- Highlight compensation strategies
- Provide biofeedback input for the correct execution of the movement
- Quantify the evolution of treatment over time
- Compare the results with the expected outcomes
- Acquire data to assist “future movement” decisions
Showmotion, NCS Lab patented technology, is now released as a medical device and available for sale to the international market (EU, USA).
Thanks to the grant received from the European Union, an industrial plan has been implemented with the aim of making this innovative technology available on a large scale, thus generating value for all orthopedic / physiotherapy patients.