NCS Lab receives funding for development of TOTEM
NCS Lab receives funding from the Ministry of Economic Development from its Horizon 2020 - PON 2014/2020 funds for development of TOTEM (TOTal Ergonomic Measurement Platform).
The project involves the development of a device for real-time, validated tracking of worker's ergonomic behavior during their daily activities.
TOTEM allows the user to:
- Track, quantify and analyze user movements
- Automatically recognize specific tasks
- Suggest corrections to prevent wrong and potentially harmful movements
The goal is to protect the health of an employee, increase productivity and reduce inefficiencies; This high-tech device will monitor and detect the causes of the most common occupational injuries and to identify and prevent the reporting of false injuries.
TOTEM will use virtual-reality and inertial sensors to display workers movements on a screen in order to provide immediate feedback to the worker. This will allow multiple workers to be evaluated and monitored without the need for a dedicated observer. This has major implications for improving and monitoring employee health, efficiency and financial savings to the company.
Thanks to TOTEM the worker will be able to correct potentially harmful behavior during exercise and work by learning to perform every movement in the best way to avoid compensation movements often harmful to the person's health.
TOTEM will analyze and record the results of a worker's single session and will create a report comparing and identifying any changes from previous sessions.
The High-tech nature of TOTEM will further assist in creating a “smart factory” to help ensure a safe working environment and improve work quality.
The project is a collaboration among NCS Lab and Istituto Clinico Polispecialistico (COT) for the development phase and the Campus Biomedico di Roma for scientific validation, accuracy and real-world usability. The results of this collaboration will be to commercialize a functional product, optimized and integrated with apps and ease of use.
NCS will assist companies producing face masks against Covid-19
NCS: Certification, Services.
As a result of the Covid-19 virus spread around the world there is a significant demand for face masks and other PPE products.
In a recent speech, the Italian government’s Civil Protection Chief Angelo Borrelli declared that the demand for facemasks alone is around 90 million units per month.
To meet this unprecedented demand, many companies and factories throughout Italy are converting their production capacity to assist in meeting this demand and to help our medical front-line workers.
The “Cure Italy” decree approved by the Italian government provides two solutions to help in solving this demand: One; they have allocated 50 million euros to be distributed to participating companies in the form of non-refundable loans to produce masks. Two; they are reducing some of the regulatory restrictions by relaxing the current regulations in order to speed up the process.
This however does not exempt companies from following all other regulations for medical device manufacturing and quality. Face masks are still considered Medical Devices (MD) or Personal Protection Devices (PPE). This leaves the question, how will masks be evaluated and considered safe for the users? What is the right process and procedure to follow prior to offering these products to the market?
With our well-established understanding of developing and manufacturing medical devices, we stand ready to help meet this challenge.
NCS has developed a service that will assist producers who are planning to produce PPE and who may not have all the experience or knowhow required. Our team will assist in all aspects of understanding and meeting the government’s rules and regulations around producing medical grade products.
With our vast experience, we are able to provide the following services:
- Support in the first stages of device evaluation
- Offer real-time support in the development process
- Implement performance evaluation in compliance with reference standards
- Assist in drafting all necessary documents to obtain authorization
- Provide proof of efficacy in our Lab where we test and certify to meet filtering characteristics
These are all activities necessary in preparation for CE conformity marking that is mandatory in order to sell after the end of this emergency period.
Because masks and all PPE equipment are fundamental aids to reduce the risk and spread of the infection, it is necessary to proceed on a clear and defined path. We are committed to helping you manufacture and market non-harmful and useful PPE and helping you do it correctly.
#facemasks #visors # covid-19 # EN14683 # EN149 # EN166 #path authorization #derogation #certification
Dexter™ Training model: Why training in surgery matters
Dexter™ Training model: Numbers don't lie
Training matters.
Andre Agassi was committed to hitting 1 million tennis balls each year, because his father told him, “numbers don’t lie”. A child who hits one million balls each year will be unbeatable.” During his career as a tennis athlete, he trained by running in the LA desert with his coach and spent countless hours in the gym.
The Olympic champion, swims 5 hour each day, Monday through Saturday. On odd days, in addition to her swimming routine she adds a few hours of muscle toning at the gym and ends it with a session of stretching.
The day of this Olympic champion used to begin at 9 AM when she would go to the swimming pool to train for an hour and a half with a facilitating platform and dry trampoline. She would later come back to the pool, where she would train all afternoon untill 6.30 pm. Tania also added hours of training at the gym where she lifted weights and strength exercises.
This Jamaican athlete, said he used to train 6-7 days a week for three hours each day. His training routine includes plyometric training mix (exercises to develop muscle power), weights, all types of jumping, squats, push-ups in suspension, lunges with the dumbbell, abdominal and trunk muscle strengthening, without neglecting upper limb training.
As a runner, a good part of his training hours is focused on core stability (keeping balance on the move).
Cristiano Ronaldo has a severe training schedule, where he works out seven days per week: Cardio activities, tread-mill, push-ups, pull-ups, abdominals, lunges and lunges with dumbbells on odd day. On even day, he has a lighter routine training.
These are a few examples of athlete’s training routines. They continue to hone their skills with passion and sacrifice every-day to become a champion.
Right now, even during this time when the Olympic games, championships, and races have been delayed due to the virus, athletes continue their training in their homes. Their motivation and dedication, helps them avoid the “detraining phenomenon”, and to stay healthy and fit. Some of them, in their videos posted on social media, say that they don’t want to stop, they can’t stop.
Why for a surgeon should this be any different? As a champion in your clinic and operating room your hard-earned skills are important to the world and to your patients.
There’s no better way to practice and condition your talents than with a Dexter™ training model.
You have amazing skills built on experience, practice and continuous improvement. Dexter™ wants to help you keep it that way and, maybe, it allows you to develop some new ideas, your winning ace or shot, while practicing!
“Numbers don’t lie”.
Matteo Mantovani
Technical Director, CEO
Letter from Matteo Mantovani, NCS CEO: "Who we are and where we are going in the coming year"
NCS: la nostra identità e i nostri obiettivi 2020
Dear Partner,
It is my pleasure to provide you with an update about who we are and where we are going in the coming year.
I am excited about our many accomplishments and hope that you will be inspired to bring us your ideas and dreams so together we can demonstrate to the world what is possible when great companies work together.For those of you who don’t know NCS very well it is worth a few comments about who we are and where we’re going.
NCS is a research lab and boutique manufacturer with early roots in the motorsport field and expansion into the medical field nearly 15 years ago.Multiple development and research projects have been completed during this time in a wide variety of products including prosthesis, internal-external fixation, sports medicine, in vitro diagnostics and lately wearables and electrical stimulation. We have worked with market leading companies and small start-ups with the same commitment and goal; on time, on budget and with the sole purpose of delivering a superior and unique solution.
Under a single roof we have integrated expertise in materials, processes, engineering, testing, regulatory, biomechanics, electronics, software, and manufacturing.
In short, we are capable of providing everything you need to meet your goal of creating your own product line or helping your customers take their ideas from a dream to reality.We can provide countless examples of individuals and large companies who came to NCS after exhausting all other possibilities in their quest to bring their idea to reality or their challenge to completion. They were all amazed by the speed, efficiency and results of working with NCS.
This is what we do: we care about your project, we care about our commitments and we work hard to bring you a great product on time and on budget!
At NCS we are passionate about what we do, and we really want you to be successful in order to compete in this difficult global market.
So, don’t be shy, think big and give us a chance to help make your dreams come true and trust we will not let you down!
Matteo Mantovani
Technical Director, CEO
NCS Lab receives funds through the European Union's Horizon 2020 SME Instrument program
NCS Lab benefits from EU Funding for Horizon 2020 Call
NCS Lab s.r.l. was founded in 2003 and is an innovative SME from Carpi, which operates in various industrial sectors and in particular in the biomedical field. NCS can be considered a pioneer in the application of inertial sensors to the analysis of joint kinematics aimed at monitoring post-injury recovery or progress of the patient following a treatment as well as the evaluation of the joint loads in the various anatomical districts.
NCS Lab proudly announces the awarding of the prestigious Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation grant – SME Instrument Phase 1 promoted by the European Union, within the grant agreement No 876376 for a budget of 50,000 euros.
The NCS team developed the Showmotion project: a new method for monitoring the health status of orthopedic / physiotherapy patients through the use of a SW platform based on inertial sensors.
Showmotion is an innovative tool for the complete analysis of movement and muscle activity.
Through the use of an inertial platform and validated protocols for the upper and lower limbs, Showmotion can measure, record, segment, compare, display the movements and provide a visual representation of the variables involved, allowing a real-time analysis of the movement.
Thanks to ShowmotionTM it is therefore possible:
- Identify and describe changes in movement
- Highlight compensation strategies
- Provide biofeedback input for the correct execution of the movement
- Quantify the evolution of treatment over time
- Compare the results with the expected outcomes
- Acquire data to assist “future movement” decisions
Showmotion, NCS Lab patented technology, is now released as a medical device and available for sale to the international market (EU, USA).
Thanks to the grant received from the European Union, an industrial plan has been implemented with the aim of making this innovative technology available on a large scale, thus generating value for all orthopedic / physiotherapy patients.

An eventful November
Event calendar November 2019
November will be a month full of events for NCS.
We would like to inform you about:
MEDICA (18 to 21 November, 2019): World Forum for Medicine based in Düsseldorf (Germany) .
This is a significant meeting opportunity for the experts of the medical field, which is the reason why MEDICA attracts the biggest number of companies each year. Being the most important worldwide event focused on medical devices and technologies, we will be glad to be there to introduce to all of you our latest news and our services for healthcare.
You will find us at HALL 15 BOOTH A29
Furthermore, we inform you that the day after we will be at Sheraton Arabellapark Hotel in Munich where XV Bogenhausener Schultersymposium will be held.
On November 22, 23 2019 XV Bogenhausener Schultersymposium will take place.
This is a medical Congress focused on reverse shoulder prosthesis and mainly on Reconstructive and revision surgery of the rotator cuff.
Dr Claudio Chillemi, orthopedic surgeon at ICOT (Latina), will be there both days for:
- Workshop on Taylor Stitcher (Nov.22 12.45 – 13:45 PM)
- Scientific lecture about “Arthroscopic Reconstruction of massive retear” (Nov. 23 13:30 – 13:40 PM)
On November 28, we will be in our head office in Carpi (MO) from 09:30 to 12:00: on that day the meeting “Associati per Associati” titled “When Failing is competing” will be held.
On this occasion, we will talk about failure analysis and its competitive advantage as a basic tool for the analysis of the product life cycle.
The topic is treated by NCS with reference to specific case histories: Industry , Public Health and Forensic field.
This can be an important matter of reflection acquired in different application sectors.
“WHEN FAILURE IS COMPETING” is an event organized by “CONFINDUSTRIA Associati per Associati” which is mainly addressed to:
- Strategic Directors
- R&D, Product, Project Managers
- Quality and Regulatory Managers, Production Managers.
We remind you that the attendance is free of charge, subject to registration within November 26, 2019.
NCS into the global market of ergonomics for automotive with JAC Motors
NCS & JAC Motors
NCS into the global market of ergonomics for automotive with JAC Motors
The Automotive sector has been for NCS one of the main passions since 2003, when Marcello Fantuzzi and Matteo Mantovani (respectively Technical Director & President and CEO of NCS Company) combined their expertise in rapid prototyping and engineering, making RP and additive manufacturing one of the main core businesses and beating heart of the Company, counting among their customers very important brands worldwide that have chosen NCS for the production of small prototypes or real display models.
Automotive is now facing important and ambitious challenges: it is not just about designing more performing machines or innovative design, but it is about the actual need to look to the future (we can mention electric cars and self-drive cars).
This is the spirit of the partnership between JAC Motors and NCS: a long-term goal (2020 – 2040) that aims at becoming together international players in the world of automotive ergonomics by developing electric cars with independent driving.
JAC Motors is the Chinese industrial giant with a global production of vehicles that are marketed all over the world and a production volume of more than 700,000 units per year.
Chinese cars with an Italian soul: the JAC style centre is in fact located in Turin, in Pianezza to be precise, where the staff headed by Daniele Gaglione, (Architect, born in 1974, director of the Jac Italy Design Centre since 2018), has developed projects for JAC S2, S3, S5, SC-9 Concept, SC-5 Concept, S4.
Today JAC, through the support of NCS, aims at becoming the world’s largest manufacturer of electric self-driven cars.
NCS, thanks to the R&D department that has developed two specific projects SHoW Motion and Cogito Ergonomic, will perform studies and evaluations on vehicle ergonomics through motion kinematics detection systems with inertial sensors.
All the companies in this sector, from automakers to traditional companies in tech sector, are attending this self-guided competition.
It’s not science fiction, then, but a real and achievable arrival point for NCS and JAC, combining the expertise of Gaglione’s team and the experience, passion and innovation that makes NCS grow every day, becoming a pioneer of new and cutting-edge technologies.
JAC Motors >>>
Transosseous Academy 2019
NCS supporta la Transosseous Academy
NCS supported the 2019 edition of Transosseous Academy (TA), the association dedicated to the transosseous technology.
The prestigious faculty animated with original, interesting and novel topics the discussion providing latest discoveries in the field.
The mutual exchange of information and expertise and the connection between engineering and medicine is the mix that can be found at the TA in an easy and informal environment.
The opening of the meeting was hold by Prof. Castagna and Dr Chillemi, welcoming the attendee and presenting the content.
The discussion started from biology of an healing process and moved to biomechanics highlighting the connections and the current evidences. Of great interest the contribution from Dr Osimani wo studied with imaging the healing process at the interface tendon bone in a transosseous repair and compared the result with past collected information about anchors repair.
Before the lectio magistralis about the historical overview of RCR, a session dedicated to anchors and a mini battle animated the discussion (Dr Porcellini, Dr Paladini, Dr Inglese and Dr Capasso were the protagonists).
The afternoon session started with Dr Kany showing his original technique and experience with transosseous and further covered several re-live surgeries. An interesting novel approach was presented by Dr Pellegrini.
The role of kinematic analysis as a viable way to measure clinical outcome in a double prospective was reported by Mantovani and Dr Sanders highlighting how this technology can change the way clinical decisions may be supported by evidences.
Dr Plachel presented the only study about long term follow up in transosseous evidencing how even in a range 12-18 years the good clinical outcome continue to persist showing that transosseous is not only safe but also effective.
The lastest part of the meeting was dedicated to the regional experiences in France, Italy, Holland, US and Latin America (respectively with Dr Kany, Dr Chillemi, Dr Huijmans, Dr Sanders and Dr Capasso).
This third edition of the TA was therefore a great moment of exchange and improvement, were the faculty animated and pushed the discussion in the audience that saw people coming from Brasil (Dr Godinho), Perù, Switzerland and many other countries. The Humanitas University Auditorium was the perfect location to host this annual meeting.
Transosseous Academy says goodbye to the beautiful and fancy Milan, and works for 2020 Edition. Stay tuned and above all, join TA!
Transosseous Academy
Schedoni, the italian luxury leather goods icon for automotive chooses NCS Company
NCS & Schedoni, Together.
Schedoni, the italian luxury leather goods icon for automotive chooses NCS Company
Schedoni, the historical Italian company based in Modena, produces authentic luggage jewellery for almost 140 years.
Now, thanks to the agreement signed between Marcello Fantuzzi, Technical Director & President of NCS and Simone Schedoni, fourth generation of the family at the head of SCHEDONI, NCS enters the world of Luxury.
Schedoni is the first company in the world to invent “luxury luggage for the automotive industry”.
This is a story that begins in 1977 from the cooperation with Ferrari Automobili: since then, a costumized set of suitcases has been dedicated to each car model to optimize the spaces in the trunk.
It is a story that continues today with completely handmade coatings made of refined leathers, the bespoke suitcase developed for the best Italian and British automakers.
Unique objects that combine the leather of the car interiors with technological materials such as carbon fiber, titanium, aluminum machined by numerical control.
NCS has been chosen to enrich these products: complex metal details and components are produced in Carpi by the expert hands of the company’s team, which since 2003 has been the point of reference in Italy – and not only – in the automotive sector for which the company produces aesthetic and functional prototypes thanks to one of the largest fleets of machines for additive manufacturing in Europe.
NCS and Schedoni share the same passion for their work, the ongoing search for new solutions and materials, the desire to combine tenacity and “know-how” that leads the two companies in the province of Modena to stand out in their sectors: points in common that have created a new and important collaboration.
A prestigious partnership which makes NCS fly all around the world, and which honors Emilia Romagna: land of passion, land of engines, work and dedication to create unique “Made in Italy”, innovative and durable products.
Schedoni & NCS, Together.
Quality as a starting point.
From Modena.
Schedoni | Luxury Italian Brand >>>
Great success for " 3D Printing & Clinical Data"
Frontiere tecnologiche avanzate applicate al settore medicale
Great success for ” 3D Printing & Clinical Data”
What are the new frontiers in 3D printing? What are the benefits in the medical sector?
And what are the requirements for clinical data?
These are just some of the questions that were answered on Monday as part of the “3D Printing & Clinical Data” event.
NCS would like to thank the general public for their participation and interest in the topics covered.
NCS’s goal has always been to listen to the customer’s needs and turn them into concrete solutions for your business.
It has been a pleasure for us to talk about science and technology, to inform you about new requirements and to show you live what we can do.
Last but not least, this event represents for NCS the launch of our new headquarters, a bigger place to host so many of you and where we dedicate ourselves every day to the development and production of new products, solutions and technologies to grow every day.
In renewing our thanks to all of you who have participated, we also thank all the speakers and those who have made possible the success of this event:
- Prof. Fabio Catani – Direttore Clinica Ortopedica Università di Modena
- Dott.ssa Marisa Testa – CEO QA/RA Consultant, Thema Group
- Matteo Mantovani – Technical Director CEO, NCS Lab srl
- Marcello Fantuzzi – Technical Director & President, NCS Lab srl
- Elena Varini – Director, Business Strategy & Operation
… e tutto il #TeamNCS